4 Signs you’re breaking up with your Home!

No one likes a break up, but circumstances change and life can throw up some unexpected situations that make us rethink our future.  The passion you once felt for the home that has brought you such joy over the years has started to dwindle and now you’re seeing niggles and frustrations around every turn.  What are the signs you’re breaking up with your home?


  1. Bored now

Some people thrive off change, they like to always be experiencing new things, which includes moving home.  Having taken the time to transform the property into the initial vision you had, you are now a little restless.  Yes, this house is stunning and fulfils your needs as you had wished it would, but while many would see this as a time to relax and enjoy the fruit of your labours, you’ve got itchy feet.  You need a new challenge, a new property to inspire your creativity, and you say to your home – it’s not you, it’s me!

  1. Don’t fix, move

As we go through life our needs change. Whether you start a family or find yourself with an empty nest, what meets your needs today may not tomorrow.  These needs could be driven by a belief that there’s a better property out there. Instead of fixing the issues with your current home, the idea that the grass might be actually greener is way more attractive.

When you start to believe that a house isn’t working for you, it’s easy to ignore the positives that your home brings to your life, and focus your energy on those annoyances that have started to irritate you about where you live.  It could be the size of a room, or you might be starting to see some wear and tear that needs dealing with; the location could be a bug bear, or the area may have changed from when you purchased.

Before you rush into a major decision, at Trend & Thomas we just want to remind you of the costs involved in moving home.   We want you to make the right decision for you, one you won’t regret further down the line.  So before you and your home separate for good, try and rekindle your romance and remember why you fell in love with it in the first place.

  1. Fulfilled a need

Not everyone who moves is seeking a forever home, some see it as a stepping stone to where they want to ultimately get to.  You may have moved to an area and now need to relocate for work or family.  Whatever the reason, your current property has fulfilled a need and now it’s time to move on.

Often in this case there can be a lack of emotional attachment to the property, making it easier to stage for viewings, but harder to get yourself motivated to do so.   We want you to achieve the best price for your property and to do this you need to put the work in to get your home in the best shape.  Now it’s fulfilled your need, get it ready to help you onto the next step of the ladder.


  1. No longer fits

Size is a big issue for many people when they start thinking about moving home.  It could be that you feel the walls closing in around you as your family grows and your belongings no longer seem to fit.  Or the opposite could be true; you may feel like you’re rattling inside an empty cage with rooms you no longer use.  When your home no longer fits your life there tends to be only one solution, and that’s to move.

But before you rush into searching for your next home, start to really think about the space you do need from your next property.  People can often make rushed decisions when they feel unhappy and cramped, and their desire for a certain type or size space can override that for a home that’s futureproof.  Emotions are powerful tools that can sometimes affect our rational thinking, which is why we’d encourage you to come and chat to our sales team.  We can show you a range of properties in the area that we believe will give you what you need today, but will also work for those many years to come.

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Breakups are hard to do

Yes, breaking up is never easy, even when it’s exactly what you want.  Moving home can be one of the most stressful things you do in life, which is why we want to make sure you’re moving for the right reasons.  And when you’re ready we know there are plenty more fish in the sea for you to make your own.

For more advice on moving home, come and chat to a member of our sales team on 01923 773 616.